Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No room and no place for hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is a lot like the ocean; it seems benign until you turn your back on it, and a wave washes you out to sea.

One of the things I vowed when I started as the Las Vegas Conservative Examiner is that I will point out hypocrisy where it blatantly raises it’s ugly head. That is why I wrote my Open Letter to Sharron Angle back in September 2010, during the General Election. It is why I call out candidates and politicians when their actions and words are incongruent.

It is also why I am writing this blog to address the recent passage of portions of the Patriot Act by Republicans who were recently re-elected on a constitutional conservative platform. With the exception of 27 Republicans in the House, who maintained their oath to the constitution, the USA Patriot Act Extension passed with majority support. Despite the very real threat we face from our enemy, the passage of the Patriot Act only assures that we have already lost. You see, the main tool of Terrorists is terror, and if we are willing to give up our freedoms out of fear than the terror-mongers have already won.

The last time we so blatantly manipulated the constitution for defense was when Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized the internment of 110,000 Japanese-Americans in 1942. And perhaps you didn’t know; although the majority of Americans interned in these "concentration camps" (as Roosevelt called them) were Japanese, there was also interned thousands of Americans of Italian, German, and other European descent. They were classified as "enemy aliens." Kinda sounds like "enemy combatants," doesn’t it? Are we okay with internment camps now, because the Patriot Act poses the same type of infringement on freedom and the Bill of Rights. Check out the time line at to see how we are now repeating history.

How hypocritical is it to preach strict adherence to the constitution when we’re fighting to maintain our second amendment right, but are then willing to argue in favor of throwing out our fourth amendment right in the name of security? To me, that’s as ludicrous and hypocritical as the Democrats standing up against the Patriot Act, because it was initiated by a Republican president, when they handily supported Roosevelt in violating the rights of Japanese-Americans; and when they support the destruction of the constitution with Obamacare and special class rights.

As American citizens it is our obligation and responsibility to be informed. It would be nice if we could also stick to a platform with integrity. We are either for big government, or not. If we stand with the constitution, then does it not behoove us to stand with it always - even if that means the going gets tough? The constitution is not a fair-weather friend, and I argue that neither should we be.

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